Jack Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research

image - voters in booth, signs of yes, no, don't know, cartoon of trust in polling and red/blue voting map of us

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Class of 2027 Cal Bear Values Study

Fall 2023 Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Please check back soon for a list of our Fall 2024 events

2023-2024 Events

Worker Power and the New Class War – April 18, 2024

The Latino Century: How America’s Largest Minority is Transforming Democracy – March 18, 2024

Stable Condition – March 4, 2024

Looking Back: A review of significant decisions of the California Supreme Court in 2023 – February 15, 2024

Panel: The Political Science of the 2024 Primaries- Terri Bimes (UCB) Elaine Kamarck (Brookings) Jasmine Smith( GWU) Hans Hassell (FSU) and Jacqueline Colao (UCB)- January 26, 2024

Book Talk: Diversity’s Child: People of Color & the Politics of Identity – Efrén Peréz, UCLA – September 18

Where Polling Stands Heading Into 2024: 2023 Citrin Award Lecture – Nate Cohn – October 19

Panel: Has There Been A “Great Awokening” ? – Andrew Engelhardt (Stony Brook), Zach Goldberg (Manhattan Institute) and Deborah Schildkraut (Tufts) and Anna Mikkelborg

Book Talk: Issue Publics — How Electoral Constituencies Hide in Plain Sight – Tim Ryan, UNC Chapel Hill – November 14

About the Center

The Citrin Center was launched in May 2017 to honor the career and legacy of Professor Jack Citrin, a leading expert on public opinion and political identity and the teacher of many students who now are national figures in political science. As a graduate student and faculty member Professor Citrin has spent more than 54 years at Berkeley and on his retirement assumed the status of Professor of the Graduate School.

The Citrin Center is a nonpartisan multidisciplinary institution bringing together leading scholars of public opinion and political culture, both nationally and internationally to report and advance cutting-edge research.  Through an annual Citrin Lecture and Citrin Conference, scholarly panels, original polling, and grants to faculty and graduate students, the Center seeks to shed light on some of the most important long-term issues facing the nation and California, as well as informing the Berkeley campus community of changes in public opinion polling.

The Center is located administratively in the Charles and Louise Travers Department in room 798 Social Sciences Building and has a close affiliation with Social Science Matrix, a consortium of research centers in the social science. The Citrin Center works closely with Matrix in planning and administering programs.

The Center is governed by an Executive Committee of Political Science Professors expert in public opinion research and advised by a group of distinguished scholars from other universities who are listed under the People heading of this website. In its two years of existence, the Citrin Center has steadily grown the number and range of events.


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Jack Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research
UC Berkeley
The Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science
798 Social Sciences Building #1950
Berkeley, CA 94720-1950