Dear Friends of the Citrin Center,
Giving Tuesday on the Berkeley campus is coming up on December 1 and we ask that you consider a donation to sustain the work of the Citrin Center for Public Opinion Research. Established in 2017 by an endowment created by friends, students, and family of Jack Citrin, the Center has actively organized panels, book talks, and conferences to develop and communicate knowledge about public opinion and political culture in the United States and other countries. Speakers have included renowned scholars, pollsters, and journalists and have focused not just on elections but on issues such as trust in government, immigration, and misinformation in politics, all available on citrincenter@berkeley.edu. The Center also awards grants to graduate students to facilitate their research, and this spring intends to initiate the first of an annual national survey.
The Citrin Center receives absolutely no financial support from the campus and supports its activities solely from the payout of the endowment which grows through the generosity of donors such as you. Our paid staff consists of one part-time undergraduate student research assistant, so all planning and implementation is performed pro bono by faculty and campus staff.
We know that these are difficult times and that there are many worthy causes to support. Still, any contribution you can make on giving Tuesday, December 1, or any other date will go a long way toward allowing the Citrin Center to continue its activities and earn our heartfelt gratitude.
Best Regards,
The Citrin Center